Unique approach: Organizations and female employees collaborating

The Empowerwoment Project has a unique approach in which we combine training of female employees with assessing and improving gender equality in the organization.

In the project, we’ll first focus on the women and what they can do themselves to step up into a leadership position. After that, we’ll shift our focus to the organization. How is that organization doing? What could the organization improve? Are there things we can do NOW? The final phase of the project combines the two perspectives. Let’s dive deep into those three phases of the Empowerwoment Project.

Three phases to empower future female leaders

1: YOU

Many of today’s inequalities between men and women come from our culture. It is in our schooling, the media – everywhere. We cannot change society, though. We can’t control any of that. 

The empowerment project is mainly aimed at focussing on the things we CAN do. The first phase of the empowerwoment project will focus on YOU. It will focus on the participants. What does it mean to be a woman in 2023? In what way were expectations of society important for the way you developed yourself? Which obstacles have you (perhaps without knowing it) encountered? Which prejudices did you face? And: how are you handling this all? What could YOU do to empower yourself? What could YOU do to achieve more in life?

2: Your organization

The second phase of the empowerwoment project will focus on the organization. What are the things the company or the organization is doing that prevent women from growing in the organization (perhaps without realizing it)? 

Which aspects of the organization you’re working for could be altered (culture, HR), and how would that allow women to grow in their careers more easily?

3: YOU & your organization

Finally, at the very end of the project, will connect YOU with your organization. We’ll help you to ask questions: What are the things at your organization that are holding you back? What are your ambitions? And what is currently blocking you?

What could you do to empower yourself within your organization? What could you change in your behavior to achieve more within the organization you’re working for?

Want to know more about the program? Check out the course overview!