
“Even though I thought I was a strong modern woman, during the Project I discovered how prejudiced I was. Apparently I was dividing problems into “men’s” and “women’s”, and the latter should have not ever been revealed in my working environment. As this would have  shown my weakness.

The Project, led by Marieke, came as a supporter and an eye opener. Not only I became aware of my unconscious biases. I have also learnt how many more challenges women meet in their daily working lives. And awareness is the first step to any change. The Project helped me to make this step. I am happy I made it now as I could change my perception of women at work, as well as become free in sharing my feelings, threats and beliefs.”

Engineering Manager

“This project was a real eye-opener for me. It made me more aware of the inequalities that still exist in our society. The readings and discussions really helped me understand how these inequalities have affected my own life and choices, but also how it affects others. It was an enlightening and valuable experience that inspired me to work towards equality for everyone.”

Fleur Heesen
Former Lead Yoast Academy team at Yoast

“I grew up with the idea that women must be seen and not heard. My sister and I were raised to take care of our family. And that’s what I did. I stopped working when my kids came along. I was completely dependent on my husband. And although I loved spending time with my children when they were young, I wanted more.

It was a bit of a shock when I started working at Yoast. They saw something in me. In the beginning I didn’t quite know how to deal with that.

The empowerment project helped me realize what a big part my upbringing had in the choices I made later on in life. It was scary at first, but I’m taking more control. I’m less afraid to voice my opinion. I’m more comfortable to grab new opportunities.

My main takeaway was that I want it different for my own children. I have two daughters. 

I don’t want them to hold back. I want them to take a seat at the table.

I don’t want them just to be seen. I want them to be heard!”

Karin Berning-Pijnappels
Community Manager